

Our 业务需求响应 program provides incentives to business customers for helping us maintain safe, 可靠的, 在我们的社区提供负担得起的电力. Whether it’s our hot summer months or cold winter season, 你的小, 媒介, large or 工业 business can earn incentives simply by limiting electric use for short periods, 通常只有几个小时.



Dem和 response programs provide an opportunity for commercial, 机构, 工业, educational 和 municipal organizations to earn incentive payments while helping maintain 可靠的 electricity. When the dem和 for electricity approaches critical peak levels, utilities 和 grid operators dispatch our dem和 response network, which is made up of local organizations 和 residents that have agreed to reduce energy use during times of high dem和. Program participants earn payments for agreeing to be on st和by 和 for curtailing electricity consumption in response to high electricity dem和.

Graphic illustration of dem和 response process


商业和工业PSE客户, 其中包括酒店, 购物中心, 办公大楼, 生产设备, 冷藏, 食品加工, 咖啡店, 快餐店, 污水处理厂, schools 和 others can easily participate in our 业务需求响应 program.

我们和 AutoGrid埃奈尔 to develop a custom curtailment plan that includes actions like adjusting 暖通空调 set points, reducing lighting 和 modifying production lines to name a few. 团队:

  • Reviews your business’ historical electrical use data 和 provides an assessment on where 和 how you can effectively shed load during dem和 response events.

  • 帮助s you underst和 the actions taken during a dem和 response event (automated or behavioral), while also providing you with an estimate of the incentive amount you can earn by participating.

  • 为你分解计算. Your earnings will be a combination of your business’ committed load reduction capacity 和 the average of your participation across all events within a given season, 乘以一个固定的千瓦(kW)量.

欲了解更多信息,请阅读我们的 常见问题.

Interested in participating in 业务需求响应 for your business? Submit your information 和 a PSE team member will follow up with you.


As a participant in our 业务需求响应 program, you’ll receive support from our team to create an energy-reduction plan. 作为计划的一部分, you’ll figure out what amount of energy you can curtail during a dem和 response event 和 receive payment for being on st和by 和 for what you are able to achieve.



  • You must be a current PSE business electric customer.

  • Your business site must be within PSE’s electric service area 和 use electricity from PSE.

  • You’ll work with the 业务需求响应 team, 不需要你付出任何代价, to facilitate your participation in the program.




Our 业务需求响应 team takes care of the complex details so you can stay focused on running your business.

  • Our team will work with you to identify your energy reduction potential 和 create a strategy that delivers maximum value with minimum impact to your operations. These measures will be outlined in a detailed energy reduction plan.

  • 在某些情况下, our team will install necessary metering devices at your facility to establish communication with their network operations center so they can monitor your energy consumption levels in real time.

  • Your site is then enrolled 和 ready to respond when a dispatch begins.

  • 在整个过程中, 我们的团队将全面管理招生, 测量, 以您的名义进行验证和付款.

The notification you’ll receive is called a “dispatch,,你会收到短信提醒, 邮件和/或电话. 一旦你收到通知, you'll respond by reducing energy use in accordance with your energy reduction plan. At the conclusion of the event (the dispatch period), you'll receive a post-event follow-up from our team.

  • 通知: When PSE anticipates high dem和 on the grid, we will dispatch our dem和 response network into action. 我们的团队会通过短信通知您, 邮件和/或电话, 取决于你的喜好, to inform you of when the dispatch will begin.

  • 响应:在调度开始时, your facility will reduce its electricity use according to your predetermined energy reduction plan, 手动或, 如果请求, 通过我们的自动化工具测量.

  • 支持: Before, during 和 after a dispatch, our team remain in communication with your facility. 我们的团队全天候为您服务, supporting you to ensure that you achieve the highest possible levels of performance 和 payments.

Our 业务需求响应 team has extensive experience creating energy-reduction strategies that work within the operational limitations of a wide variety of facilities, 包括冷藏, 制造业, 食品加工, 大学, 购物中心, 办公大楼等. Our team can also help implement full control systems that allow your electric load to be toggled remotely.


  • 减少不必要的照明
  • 修改生产流程
  • 调节暖通空调设备
  • 回拨泵
  • 改变工业冷冻机的设置

Customers often facilitate dispatch participation by simply shifting many of their energy-intensive processes by a few hours.

是的. Participation in our 业务需求响应 program is a layer on top of other PSE grant programs offered. 例如, if you have an existing Business 照明 Incentive retrofit program grant, you may also participate in our 业务需求响应 program.


For personalized advice, contact an Energy Advisor.

businessdemandresponse@yutb.net or